Simple tips: Desk

Simple tips are fast organizing tricks that can have a big impact on your space.


Here’s a simple tip for cluttered desks: Take 10-15 minutes to go through your pens.


It seems so basic, but if you’re anything like me, you may collect pens without realizing it.


When I was working at a university, I always had a pen behind my ear, and they sometimes ended up going home with me at the end of the day. So I had way more than I needed, and a messy desk drawer. Solution? I started bringing the extras back to the office every few weeks. Almost immediately, my drawer seemed much cleaner.


My client Mildred travels a lot, and her computer desk was covered with hotel pens and hotel notepads. It only took us a few minutes to pick out some of the best pens to keep, place them in a holder so they wouldn’t be lying all over the desk, and stack a few notepads by the phone where Mildred could use the scrap paper. She donated the extras to a nonprofit that could use office supplies. It took almost no time at all, but made a big impact on her desk.


Do you have a quick, simple tip for organizing a desk or workspace?


Side note: These blog stories feature real clients and their organizing solutions. To maintain client privacy, all names have been changed.

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